Free - Over 40
15 - Under 100
25 - Under 1000
50 - Under 1000
We are currently writing our help and support documentation. If you have any questions, issues or queries please get in touch using the information below. We're a small company so we can usually respond within an hour or so.
Paid users can now add notes to each area on the map. Then when you search for a postcode or location the notes for that area will be shown. Use this for additional contact details, prices or other information.
We added functionality so you can right click on an area and get the full postcodes for that area.
Just a small update this time. We have fixed several bugs concerning the postcode search and placing markers. We've also added a new setting to show/hide the regular key.
We have also been working on the district map labels. You will notice that the accuracy of the labels in bigger cities are much clearer now.
We have expanded on the marker upload feature to make it much easier to use. You can now just upload your regular CSV file. The tool will then guess which columns you'd like to use for the postcode, colour, size and label. If this guess is wrong you can then change it.
This update is comprised of several bug fixes.
This is the biggest update we've made to this tool so far. You will see a brand new layout and many new features. The new features are listed below:
When you click the 'On Google' button in your GB Maps file manager you will enter ADMIN MODE. This allows you extra privileges to edit and add to the map. These changes can then be saved to the database.
When you send this link to someone or open the map using a different method you will not be in ADMIN MODE. When you're in the regular user view you won't be able to change the map in any way.
There is also a premium version of this tool that allows you access to many other features. Contact us to learn more about this.
michael@gbmaps.comReinstating an autosave will not reinstate colours. It will only reinstate the markers, polygons and other features created using this tool.
Id | Date Saved | Recover |
Add concentric drive time polygons or concentric circles using the form below. You can use this to show your delivery zones to customers and employees.
Create your drive time zones. Search for a postcode and you'll see the corresponding zone name and price in the output.
Uploading markers here will not be shown on the GB Maps colouring system. They will only be shown on this map.
Markers will be limited to 1,000 locations in the trial version.
Please include headers in your upload.
Free - Over 40
15 - Under 100
25 - Under 1000
50 - Under 1000